The End of Roe vs. Wade

We had a great Pizza and Trivia event at Godfather’s Pizza last night. It was wonderful to be with good friends having a good time. It was the first time I had a chance to speak since the Supreme Court decision changed the landscape in which we all live. It is important to know where every candidate stands on this issue. What I believe is what I said last night. It is below:

I was going to begin this evening with an economic discussion, but the Supreme Court made a decision last week. I would say that decision changed everything, but shortly after the decision, Justice Thomas spouted off about what he wants to do next. That truly will change everything.

I have a partner, daughters, daughters—in-law, and granddaughters that I worry about. I have wonderful woman friends that I worry about. I have precious family and precious friends that are part of the LGBTQ community and I worry about them.

When they write on my tombstone, I don’t really care if it says, “Ted was a good politician.” But I do want it to say that Ted was a good partner, a good father, a good brother, and a good friend. So, I want to make myself crystal clear: A woman has an absolute right to make decisions about her own body, her own life, and her own career. I never thought I would have to say this, but she has the absolute right to access birth control. Her body—her choice. Every person has the right to determine where they are on the gender spectrum and take the medical steps necessary to achieve their goal.

Love is love. Anyone who chooses to marry should be able to. The state should have nothing to say about it.

When I was preparing to say this, I first thought of it as a message, but it isn’t, really. It is just my position. I will be standing with many of my friends and family at the capitol on Thursday night, but that isn’t a message either—it is important, but it is a protest, not a message.

The message is the one that all of you can send. If you support me and fight for me and I am elected (from Wyoming!), that is an earth-shaking message that all of those in power will hear. Yes, we need volunteers, and we need donations. Every candidate needs the time and treasure of his supporters to win. But we need lots of little things, as well. If you haven’t followed our Facebook page, please do. If you feel like writing a letter to the editor supporting me, please do. With all of your support, I feel like I can’t lose.


Reproductive Rally June 30th

